In the film when Ottar Ormstad is transferring his practice as concrete poet to the realm of a programmable networked space, blending his poetry with specially composed modern music and electronic elements. His photographs are presented in combination with words in different languages, most of them presented as ”letter-carpets”. Some sentences are from well known songs or films, other letter-combinations are invented by the author.The film is telling a story about life and death, basically from the standpoint of cars, rotten in a field in Sweden. The narrative is open, and each viewer may experience the film very differently. It is also dependent upon the viewer’s language background, any translation is – intentionally – not given.This experimental film cannot be translated in a traditional way. The words in different languages are integrated in the poetic expression. Subtitles are irrelevant.The music and the animation was created in close cooperation with the author.
Music: Hagen & Nilsen from Xploding Plastix
Animation: Ina PillatScript. photographs, visual poetry by director & producer: Ottar Ormstad.
when is made in HD, format 16:9, time 07:00 © Ottar Ormstad 2011
Support: Fond for lyd og bilde/ Arts Council Norway
Videography when, 2011
e-poetry2011, the 6th International Festival for Electronic Poetry, Buffalo, New York, USA 2011
LANGUAGE TO COVER A WALL, Exhibition at the University of Buffalo Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, USA 2011
Oslo Screen Festival, Oslo, Norway 2012
Traverse Video, Toulouse, France 2012
Experimental Art Meeting, Oradea, Romania 2012
Moscow International Film Festival, Moscow, Russia 2012
Conference on translating E-literature, Université8, Paris, France 2012
Images Contre Nature, Marseille, France 2012
Inside the Moment/New Short Films (exhibition), Pennsylvania, USA 2012
Global Media, Krasnoyarsk, Russia 2012
Oslo Poesifilm, Oslo, Norway 2012
when/ the Exhibition, Galleri Norske Grafikere, Oslo 2013
Typemotion, FACT, Liverpool, England 2014
Videobardo, Buenos Aires and Mendoza, Argentina 2014
TARP Festival, Vilnius, Lithuania 2014
Typemotion, National Gallery of Art, Vilnius, Lithuania 2014
ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, Berlin, Germany 2014
700IS Reindeerland Festival, Reykjavik, Iceland 2015-02-12
Typemotion, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan 2015