ottar ormstad

born and lives in oslo/norway


Foto: Frøydis Geithus

Based on my concrete poetry, I’ve published several books, produced animated video-poems, exhibited darkroom-photography, and graphic art. I love yellow letters, specially y’s that perform to image and music in motion. My works are screened on experimental film festivals and usually premiered in venues devoted to literature in programmable media (also known as digital or electronic literature).


books and animations

gruppe 68, ny norsk diktning, ed. Johannesen/Solstad/Vold, Cappelen 1968 (anthology)
div tekster i Profil (red. medlem/øk. ansv. 1969–1971)
Moderne norsk lyrikk, frie vers 1890–1980, ed. Heggelund/Vold, Cappelen 1985/Gyldendal 1995 (anthology)
het still, 44 kvatrogrammer, 2003
smerte hjerte, 2005/ y (gul poesi), 2005/ paraplydiktet, 2005
telefonkatalogdiktet, samlaget 2006
svevedikt, online gallery afsnitp, ed. Karen Wagner and Christian Yde Frostholm, Denmark 2006
het still & y (gul poesi), online gallery, ed. Marko Niemi, Finland 2003/2005
bokstavteppekatalogen, 2007
bokstaver, Nopress, ed. Derek Beaulieu, Canada 2008
LYMS, video, 2009
when, video, 2011

A Global Visuage, anthology ed. by Jörg Piringer and Günter Vallaster, edition ch, Vienna 2012
natyr, video, 2013
when (the book), 2013
mooon, video, 2015


peaceful dream (2020)

LONG RONG SONG, video in collaboration with Taras Mashtalir and Alexander Vojjov, 2015
NAVN NOME NAME, video in coll. with Taras Mashtalir and Alexander Vojjov, 2015
KAKAOASE, video in coll. with Mashtalir/Vojjov, 2016

sol, video in coll. with Taras Mashtalir and Yan Kalnberzin, 2017

bråten, video in coll. with Mashtalir/Kalnberzin, 2018

name land scape, video in coll. with Mashtalir/Elizabeth Røs, 2020

OTTARAS: 3 CONCRETE, single on iTunes 2016


Deichmanske bibliotek Grünerløkka, Oslo 2003, 2006
Deichmanske bibliotek Majorstua, Oslo 2004
Bærum Kulturhus, Sandvika 2005
Can Serrat, El Bruc, Barcelona 2004, 2006, 2009
Galleri Briskeby, Oslo 2007
Galleri Norske Grafikere (collective exhibition), Oslo 2010
Palazzo delle Arti (collective exhibition), Naples 2011
LANGUAGE TO COVER A WALL, University of Buffalo Art Gallery (collective exhibition), New York 2011
Inside the Moment (collective exhibition), Philadelphia 2012
Galleri Norske Grafikere, Oslo 2013
“Moving Words – Edition project – Text in Moving Pictures” (collective exhibition), ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe 2013, FACT, Liverpool 2014, TARP, Vilnius 2014 and Taichung 2015
Rooms for notes, Galerie Wechselstrom (collective exhibition), Vienna 2014
TARP festival, Vilnius 2014



writer in the literature magazine Profil, (member of the ed. board and responsible for economy) 1969–71

reading and screening of visual electronic poetry, Electronic Literature in Europe Festival, Bergen 2008

screening of LYMS in 19 countries, among others e-poetry2009, the 5th festival for e-poetry, Barcelona 2009; Oslo Screen Festival 2010; Zebra Poetry Film Festival, Berlin 2010; the 4th International Conference and Festival of the Electronic Literature Organization, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA 2010

screening of ‘when’ among others at e-poetry2011, Buffalo, New York; Oslo Screen Festival 2012; Traverse video, Toulouse 2012; Images Contre Nature, Marseille 2012; Inside the moment, Philadelphia 2012

screening of ‘natyr’ among others at e-poetry2013, London, DoctorClip, Rome Poetry Film Festival, 2013, Traverse video, Toulouse 2014; Images Contre Nature, Marseille 2014, FACT, Liverpool 2014, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, 2015

readings/interviews/images, University of Barcelona, 2009

readings among others at the TARP festival, Vilnius 2014, ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, Berlin 2014

articles (in norwegian) on electronic literature on

conference presentation “Non-Translation as Poetic Experience”, Translating E-Literature, Université8, Paris 2012

article contribution “From Concrete to Digital Poetry: Driving Down the Road of Continuity?” Peer Reviewed Online Journal Dichtung Digital 42 (2012)

Contribution “From the Sixties with Love”, A Global Visuage, ed. Joerg Piringer; Guenter Vallaster, edition ch, Vienna 2012

Oslo Poesifilmfestival 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016

Workshop: playing with letters, University of Agder, Norway 2014

Digital Arena, Bergen Public Library/University of Bergen, Norway 2014

Guest speaker, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung 2015

Performance in e-poetry2015, Buenos Aires 2015

Conference presentation: “Non-translation as Poetic Experience”, Translating Electronic Literature, e-poetry2015, Buenos Aires 2015

Performance in the Conference and Festival of the Electronic Literature Organization, Bergen 2015

Performance in the 101 Festival, St. Petersburg, Russia 2016

Performance in BlueOrange conference, Montreal, Canada 2016

Performance and screening in the Conference and Festival of the Electronic Literature Organization, Victoria, Canada 2016

Performance and screening in the Conference and Festival of the Electronic Literature Organization, Porto, Portugal 2017

Performance in the OTHER MINDS sound poetry festival, San Francisco 2018

Performance in the Conference and Festival of the Electronic Literature Organization, Montreal, Canada 2018

Performance in the Conference and Festival SCIENCE FEST, St. Petersburg, Russia 2018

Member of Norske Grafikere and Norsk Forfattersentrum