natyr is the third video in which Norwegian artist Ottar Ormstad combines concrete poetry, images, and music/sound. This time the video is based on a work by the Norwegian painter Knut Rumohr (1916-2002) who mostly created abstract tempera paintings inspired by the nature of a fjord at the Norwegian west coast. Ormstad once again continues mixing words from different languages. A concept he presented with “Non-Translation as Poetic Experience” at the Translating E-Lit conference in Paris 2012. The word ‘natyr’ may not exist in any language, but may be experienced with different associations to nature. The video (HD 16:9) is made for plain screening (4:45min). Except for the animation made by Ina Pillat, everything is directed and created by Ormstad, photography and music included.
Support: Fond for lyd og bilde/ Arts Council Norway
© painting: Knut Rumohr/BONO 2013
© video: Ottar Ormstad 2013
Videography natyr, 2013
e-poetry2011, the 7th International Festival for Electronic Poetry, London 2013
Images Contre Nature, Marseille, France 2013
DoctorClip, Rome Poetry Film Festival, Italy 2013
Oslo Poesifilm, Norway 2013
Traverse Video, Toulouse, France 2014
Typemotion, TARP Festival, Vilnius, Lithuania 2014
Typemotion, FACT, Liverpool, England 2014
Typemotion, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan 2015